Thursday, December 4, 2008


I am meeting with a lawyer who is very graciously willing to discuss with me the requirements for filing for a NOT FOR PROFIT status. They aren't sure if they can do the work pro-bono and that is what we need. Please pray that God will continue to make a way where there seems no way.



outofthedark said...

will do. i am so glad things are going forward!


Behold the lilies of the field, how they grow; they photosynthetically labor MUCH and weave sunlight and chemicals most industrially, they sow much oxygen to the air, too.

Yes, moi once again corrects a saying that was totally in error till me little paraphrasing.

Anywho, does a society “Need” its myths?
If societies “Needed” their myths then those ancient societies would still be around soooooooo – society does not “Need” myths.

outofthedark said...

first off, who is tor herschman?
there needs to be some progression here...
if just for the sake of those who bought flowers for lilies as support.
know what i mean?